parchi e riserve 2



In Abruzzo, environmental protection is entrusted to a very extensive and complex system of protection; in fact, about a third of the regional surface is made up of national and regional protected areas both in mountain areas and in those near the coast, the whole area is affected by the conspicuous presence of other areas with different protective nature. For this, besides the presence of the great parks, it is important to highlight the existence of an intricate network of nature reserves and protected areas at Community and international level, sometimes arranged in superposition with each other.

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digital library of books and manuscripts related to Abruzzo. This collection is updated by the editorial staff.

Credenze Usi e costumi Abruzzesi raccolti da G. Finamore  language 
Curiosità e tradizioni popolari of G. Pitrè (1894)   language
Storia ed arte of E. Abate   language
Proverbi Abruzzesi of A. De Nino (1877)   language
  La pastorizia abruzzese of E. D'Orazio (1906)   language
La tragedia di Marcinelle negli atti parlamentari of M. Di Giangregorio   language



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CRAM 2016 Casoli



Parks and and protected areas





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