Effort, pain, pride: three words that express the epic deeds of compatriots of our nation and our region who in millions between  the Nineteenth and Twentieth century have faced difficulties and prejudices to achieve dreams of a better life, at least more dignified. Letters written in dialect or more or less uncertain Italian; black and white or in color photographs taken in every latitude; work, love, struggle songs; diaries; documents...: from the archives, from attics, trunk and suitcases, from the newspapers, from the memories revives the world of victories and defeats of "when they were us to start" now often forgotten or ignored by the younger generations. The following lines neither have nor want to claim to be complete: they act rather as a switch to turn on connections with a more or less recent past, the root of our present, divided into three large periods of Abruzzo regional emigration.  



"EMIGROMANIA" - La prima fase dell''emigrazione abruzzese dall''Unità al '900


LA RISORSA EMIGRAZIONEGli italiani all’estero tra percorsi sociali e flussi economici, 1945-2012




Regional Museum of Emigration "Pascal D'Angelo" Via Piana, Introdacqua

The museum is made up of large exhibition halls and a multi-purpose room which is used for conferences and as a venue for temporary exhibitions. The layout allows the visitor to follow the story of the phenomenon of migration, especially to the Americas, through special eduactional panels with captions and message boards.  There are also exhibits with original artifacts and documents such as passports, certificates, tickets and passenger lists. The photographic images and small objects guide the visitor through a journey of "real life" that is actually made up of many individual stories.
After the introduction, the partially completed museum leads the visitor to learn about the experiences of the Italian-American Pascal D'Angelo through his literary works. The phenomenon of the "Great Migration" to America is described through original documents, sound and images. An educational area of study is available to anyone who wants to learn more about the stories concerning the migration from Abruzzo.
The visitor experience can be enhanced by the consultation of other documents which are stored in the specialist library attached to the museum.








Important news, emerged at the last meeting held in Tagliacozzo during the C.R.A.M. plenary assembly, on 13 and 14 November 2015 in Tagliacozzo (L'Aquila), concern the establishment of a youth council that will give new impetus and with a different approach compared with the past to the spread of local traditions around all the world. The project was presented by Frederick Mandl of Fedamo (Federation of Abruzzo Associations in Argentina), with the support of all the present young delegates, and with the favorable opinion of the president of the C.R.A.M. Donato Di Matteo and of vice president Angela Di Benedetto eepresentative of Canada. In 2016, on the occasion of the Open Day "Winter" and in conjunction with ordinary meeting of the Regional Council of Abruzzo people in the World – C.R.A.M., the International Meeting of Young People of Abruzzo in the World will take place in Casoli, in the province of Chieti, since 28 to 31 October.

Participation is open to twenty representatives, under 35, of the associations of Abruzzo in the world. For many of them it will be an opportunity to visit the homeland of his ancestors, to exchange views on the preservation of traditions and the study of the Italian language, but also to learn about the mechanisms and opportunities of the education and business world of Abruzzo, without forgetting the appointment with the C.R.A.M., which, one very near day, will inherit the leadership of. The confederations, federations and associations registered in the Regional Register of Abruzzo in the World were asked the effort to join together to identify the twenty representatives who will meet in Atessa, in accordance with a principle that takes into account the limits imposed by the budget, but also the weight that each country holds in the emigration panorama of Abruzzo in the world.. 

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