The City Council, Cisom (Italian Corps of aid of the Order of Malta), the parish, and the entire community of Cepagatti will tend "A hand to Amatrice" to equip the school of teaching materials and of the necessary furniture. The event will be held Sunday, September 18, since 15 o’clock to 20, in all the streets of the historic center of the city that will be transformed into a large children's play area with bouncyplays, face painting, clowns, stilt walkers, falconers, archers, horses, donkeys and art workshops. You could participate with a minimum bid of 2.50 euro, a small contribution that will give the opportunity to children to make free use of the games and the shows in program. Indefatigable engine of the initiative was Santina Salvatore, a volunteer of 37 years of Cisom, native of Foggia but resident in Cepagatti, returned a little over a week from Amatrice.
"I have experienced many earthquakes, but this time it was much more painful because each family has had a death -he says- It 's all a country that suffers. What made the most impression, at certain times, was the silence. We were all speaking in low tones in sign of respect for the many victims who were under the rubble." Returned from Amatrice, Santina Salvatore felt the need to organize an initiative of solidarity that was soon shared by the Town Council, the parish of Saint Lucia and the entire community of Cepagatti. "I am sure that the city will be able to respond with the participation and generosity that has always demonstrated - adfirms the mayor Sirena Rapattoni - It will be a time of aggregation in the name of solidarity and with the thought addressed to the many children who have experienced the profound trauma of the earthquake and that in the school they see a reference point, a return to normality". "I want to thank all those who have worked hard to help me and were so many -concludes Salvatore Santina- the parishioners, the citizens who are making their efforts for the success of the initiative, the merchants of the historic center who have already donated a small contribution and the artists who will be free of charge from L'Aquila and Rome to keep their shows. For children it will be a really fun day because in addition to games and shows there will be the chance to make the 'baptism of the saddle' and an approach with pets therapy". In case of bad weather the event will be postponed.